Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Coffee Butter Lip Balm

It's been a while since I last updated the blog.  Last two months were chaotic.  Now things are slowly getting back to normal.

Last year, I made lip balm as a New Year gift, and it was quite a success.  So this year I would like to make some more but I didn't have any flavor oil.  I have coffee butter, and it smells wonderfully strong, and also read that it does come through in lotion and lip balm creations.  So I decided to give it a go.

Here is the recipe:

Carnuaba Wax    2.5 g
Beeswax             4.5 g
Coffee Butter         9 g
Cocoa Butter         6 g
Castor Oil         12.5 g
Jojoba Oil           3.5 g
Squalane             3.5 g
Wheat Germ          8 g
Vitamin E            0.5 g

1.  Melt oil & butter together in a microwave or over double boiler.
2.  Remove from heat, add vitamin E.  Pour into mold.

This balm was tinted with dark chocolate to give it a bit of color, the chocolate smell did not come through, only coffee did.  Some use a bit of lipstick to add color.

This recipe is not fixed, you can play around with it, but the balm may have different feels to it depending on the oils & butters.  I use lots of oils because I have many oils that I want to try, but if you don't have any of these, just substitute the liquid oils with oils that you have on hand, e.g. olive oil, rice bran oil, coconut oil.

I just got some nice lip balm jars, so will be making colored lip balm just to see how pretty it will look.


  1. That lip balm looks really nice. Even if the scent of chocolate does not come through, it will be a good lip care.

  2. Thank you. I tried it but the castor was too high it dried my lips so I had to cut it down. Some of my testers were happy with it though.
